Recently I was watching a “Sci-Show” episode on Youtube talking about the benefits of running/being barefoot. I can attest to the many joys and benefits, even if they are imagined by me, and I rarely will wear shoes unless really needed. That same episode also mentioned that those running barefoot also tend to have a lot more foot injuries, even if benefits are gained elsewhere. I went for a run yesterday in the bluffs, Christmas cut in front of me to avoid some Russian thistle, and I heard the crunch of my pinkie toe as it connect to his ankle.
I finished up the run, probably should have walked it off. Once again, I am finding my running fun sidelined by a injured foot. It is getting to feel like about half the time, after trying to get backing into a running pattern, I keep finding myself sidelined by yet another injury.
I could show you a picture of my bruised toe, but instead I offer Boson hoarding a dog toy I made for the dogs.