Well, that I didn’t see coming

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I never considered myself as having anything resembling a decent voice. I have not cared in any sort of way about learning to sing. Earlier this year, I made a big leap and started singing karaoke every now and then, not anything I would consider well.

So imagine my surprise, when I show up to watch my friend, Fletch, practice with Golden Empire Chorus, just to find myself singing in the choir. What’s more, it seems I was not singing poorly.

So at 44, with a voice of horror, or so I felt, I find myself giving singing in a chorus a try, with homework to do. Sure, why not. I guess I have to reserve Monday evenings for choir practice. Practicing Christmas songs at that, of all things.

I feel stunned.

-Duckin’ Kev

The Many Headed Quail

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Abootsie is doing really good with her babies. There are a few personalities coming out. You have the one that is the momma’s baby, and never leaves her side. There is one that is a little more adventurous, that will on occasion stray further then the others. Then there are two that seem to pay so much attention to their surroundings that they are sometimes left behind. One of them seems to have a particular ability to get lost, and I am always counting to make sure nobody is missing.

Sometimes Abootsie will stand to walk off, and little chicks fall out feathers as she walks off. It is so hilarious to see.

It isn’t a great picture, but I didn’t want to get close enough for a good picture and ruin the scene. At least I got to enjoy the picture in HD,

Duckin’ Kev

They’re Herrrrreeeee

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First pictures

Abootsie was getting tired of pictures, more specifically the flash, I am sure.

When the first three were born, they ended up out of the “nest”. Abootsie was really concerned, but she was also concerned I would going to hurt them when I squeezed under there to help. I placed the chicks back into the nest, and it gave Abootsie confidence and trust in me.

The first adventure of the two braver chicks.

Mommy says time to head back to the nest and they follow her.

Something I noticed with Abootsie, starting just 2 or 3 days before the chicks hatched, Abootsie was spending a little more time off the nest, and I noticed she seemed joyful and excited. Then, there were more.

Duckin’ Kev