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It Only Take One

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It only takes one…

This gentlemen was desperate. He was desperate in a way I know all too well. I needed somebody, anybody. I can hear those pleads for help as if I were there. I hear those pleas because far too many times I have screamed those same pleas.

I don’t think I could count, I can’t even keep track of all the times it took one word, one smile, one gesture of good will to turn me around from that dark road this soul tortured soul was on. I think the latest was while doing laundry. I was beyond emotional, trying to find that strength to keep alive, and I held the door for a young man. He was a recent immigrant, he was eager to show is appreciation. He hadn’t had the time to learn English, I never took the time to learn Spanish, but after starting his wash, he offered to get me something while he got something a the corner market. I said I was good, but I was terribly thirsty but didn’t have the energy to communicate anything resembling a desire, much less deal with a decision of what. He went off, and brought back an Arizona tea for me. Not only that, but he randomly got a flavor I had been curios about. It was really good. I my bodily thirst and emotional thirst were quenched. That young man will never know what that drink meant for me, but at that moment, that drink saved my world.

I truly wish I were there, again. I understand that need for just one. So I smile. It hurts so goddamn much to smile, but I smile. I acknowledge. Sometimes that smile, that acknowledgment that they exist is all it takes. Sometimes it takes more. Sometimes it means opening the ears on your heart. Not listening through judgment, because it is you you are judging, but listening through your own story. Their stories are your stories. What they did, you could, should, would, or have done.

A “hi’, a smile, an ear when there is nothing else to hear-

It only takes one.

It never takes none.

What this person did was horrible. So was the willful blindness of countless of humans. He was begging, begging, and begging. There is only so much begging you can handle.

It only takes one, it never takes two.

It only takes one.

Duckin’ Kev

Brain = Ka-Boom

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“There is never time to do it right, but there is always time to do it over.”
– Letho’s Law
I may have heard this before, but I know I have a degree in this philosophy. I’ve learned to re-phrase this as, “The first time is practice and lessons of, “I’ve got to start thinking these things through”, Cali of the British show “Mongrels”.

Cuutoo’s No Chicken

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Dogs wear leashes.
Cats may wear leashes.
Parrots, falcons, hawks all may wear leashes.
Ducks or even chickens have been known to wear leashes.
Cuutoo says, “She’s no chicken. She is a big bird that can wear a leash to go to Petsmart for cricket shopping.”

Since Phoebe, I have always suspected there was something more to Coturnix. He was so calm, and he enjoyed riding in the car so much. Cuutoo showed that today. Not only did she do better then some dogs in Petsmart for the first time, she was calm enough for me to be fiddling with her leash/harness to get the fit right.

Of course, she was more then happy to help corral any escaped crickets into her crop.

Maybe you can’t see the blur, but Cuutoo found one more cricket escapee needing corralling.

Back into the car, and Cuutoo is ready for her next adventure.

-Duckin’ Kev