Category Archives: Uncategorized

Salt Rub

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Never again
Will I build
Never again
Will I create
Never again
Will I repair
Never again
Will I know peace

Constant interaction
Never allowed alone
A prisoner
In my own body
Saturation of people
Are the steel bars
Locking me away
From my uniqueness
From my quarks
From precious solitude

Don’t stand
Don’t talk
Don’t look
Don’t break
Don’t need
Don’t feel

The crimes against humanity
The inhumaness
Of quiet
Of solitude
Of creating

But I got a blade
But I got salt
A little slit
A little drip
A little blood
A little rub
And I can be okay
For another
Little while

To Sleep

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The age brings the sleep
More exact
The age brings the need
The necessity
The reality
Recovery is in sleep
and I can no longer recover
In one sleep

Two nights
Two heavy sleeps later
And then
The caffeine brings life
The heart spools up
The blood boils over
Ready for the life
The day brings

My skeleton is amped
Ready to burst out my skin
Yearning to soak life
Into brittle bones
My blood seeking a release
The steel through the skin
The burn of the salt
To bring the relief
For my anxieties

One more sip
And the day is good

Another Broken Toe

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Recently I was watching a “Sci-Show” episode on Youtube talking about the benefits of running/being barefoot. I can attest to the many joys and benefits, even if they are imagined by me, and I rarely will wear shoes unless really needed. That same episode also mentioned that those running barefoot also tend to have a lot more foot injuries, even if benefits are gained elsewhere. I went for a run yesterday in the bluffs, Christmas cut in front of me to avoid some Russian thistle, and I heard the crunch of my pinkie toe as it connect to his ankle.
I finished up the run, probably should have walked it off. Once again, I am finding my running fun sidelined by a injured foot. It is getting to feel like about half the time, after trying to get backing into a running pattern, I keep finding myself sidelined by yet another injury.
I could show you a picture of my bruised toe, but instead I offer Boson hoarding a dog toy I made for the dogs.