The words were quiet
The sickness was quelled
The peace was real
As my world falls apart
Missing were the rambles
Confusions that kept me straight
The fears of talking
Words leading me astray
My control was mighty
My heart locked tight
Deflecting the world
At every blow
Now my friend
I blow the dust
Off my favorite keyboard
So I can pound away
The emotions inside
Because again
Words are failing me
My mouth just brings pain
I can’t talk
I can’t say
My lovely silence
Gets so quickly missed
At the memories of the pain
My mouth invariably brings
I don’t understand
Where words go wrong
I don’t understand
How talking only hurts
I come back to you
My quiet friend
The one whom hears
I come back to you
With my apologies
For my silence too long
For my lazy fingers too weak
I apologize for failing to acknowledge
You are my only doctor
My only medicine
My only sickness
Welcome me home
I promise to hurt again
I promise to learn to talk again