I can do it
I can be brave
I see the face in my mind
The sleep refused to come
Those words
6 foot, blue eyes
Can’t be a coincidence
Gotta be for me
Don’t be a fool
Don’t let an experience
Disappear in a blinding haze
Fueled with self-doubt
And self-worthlessness
How clear can it be
She wants to be in my arms
But my blindness
My comforting blindness
My blindness wants my eyes shut
The safety of being home alone
The denial
That I could be worthy
That I could be seen
As something more
Then a walled-off wounded animal
Terrified of any humanity
Existing within myself
Be brave
Be an actor
Imagine the bravado within
Imagine I’m not afraid
She is talking more then words
That I happened to be in earshot of
Just a few words
One mark of punctuation
One question
That can at least quiet
My internal turmoil
Of be brave
Of what if
Don’t be a fool
Take her hand
Hold her heart
And maybe
Just maybe
There will be a nipple
Waiting for the most tender
Of my lips’ offerings