The Tail of a Fender and a Ripped Dew Claw

Fender, it is time to wrap your foot so you can feel better.

Can’t we discuss this, Dad? My foot feels fine, really it does.

I’m sorry, my Sweetness, but it has to be done.

I need your foot, please.

Here you go, but I really don’t need to be wrapped.

I know it is hard, but we have to make your foot all better.

Okay, but this isn’t fun, I don’t want to do this.

You are such a good boy, though, and we will be done before you even know it.

Just don’t make me watch. I’ll look over here instead.

You are doing the best, Fender. You’re so cooperative we are almost done already.

Really? Are you sure?

Go ahead and look, Buddy, that is it, we are done.

Wow, you were right. It wasn’t that bad.

And my friends, that is just how easy it is to bandage a foot when you have the goodest and cutest dog in the world.

Duckin’ Kev

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