Update 22 Sept 19

With a new uniform, a gift from my Aunt Pamela, fresh from Amazon.com, I decided to open the hood of Ol’ Duste and try to find the bad wire keeping me from getting spark. This was after I introduced it to my sewing machine of course.

Thank you, Aunt Pamela

I liked the contrast, and I liked the reflective strips. Every now and then, I find myself in a situation those could be helpful. The yellow lettering for my name is part of the visibility concept.

The pocket flap, I embroidered my name, the right sleeve are my vehicles (may that list grow), and the black bars are a homage to a favorite punk band of mine, Black Flag.

So, break-in-uniform work update, I do believe I found the bad wire. It it is an alternator wire (alt 002) going to the firewall. I need to consult some wiring diagrams to be sure, but I do suspect that is the bad wire.

lighter red (age) cable furthest of the right seems to be the offender.
(alt 002)

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