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The Day the Tranny Dropped

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With the help of Lili and her supervisory expertise, I finally dropped the transmission. One my own to top it off. With a jack, ratchet strap, and the old foam from the truck seat for the transmission to drop on, I got it dropped

Not blood of mine, I didn’t even come close to injury, very unlike me. Maybe I should have emptied the oil, but in all honesty, I thought most of it had already leaked out. I think I will try remembering that lesson.

I have a big job ahead removing this layer of sludge.

Thought there was a plug for wiring, but it was so caked in grease, I had to dig it out to find it.

It was a lot of fun pulling that transmission out. While it is out, next freeze plugs and rear main seal needs to be replaced. I also need to drop the gas tank and replace the stripped plug causing the fuel pressure leak. Plus, figure out the lack of spark.

For today though, that is all.
– Duckin’ Kev

Crap, It is the 6th of October already!

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Hit me, it is the 6th of October already. I gotta get serious about getting Ol Duste on the road. Hopefully I can get her going by the first weekend of November, but I have to start somewhere. I started path to removing the transmission. I could be getting stuff while the transmission is out, and stuff that will be much easier to access without a 700r4 in the way. I went slowly and methodically trying to learn the process and plan ahead for the next step. The result for the is the drive shaft is removed, and I have been going through breaking bolts and loosening things up to make it easier going full the final push to drop that tranny.

My new coveralls are now proudly displaying their first layer of grease and grease-mud mixture. My new safety glasses are awesome, but the cheap rubber strap broke from the back of my head rubbing on the cement. I would be sadder, but I hated that strap and now am excited to do something I like for a strap.

My long eyebrows were a bit of a pain. They have this less then convenient habit of smearing the inside of my glasses. I would break out the pruners, but I am actually fond of my long eyebrows. They make me happy.

-Duckin’ Kev

Update 22 Sept 19

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With a new uniform, a gift from my Aunt Pamela, fresh from, I decided to open the hood of Ol’ Duste and try to find the bad wire keeping me from getting spark. This was after I introduced it to my sewing machine of course.

Thank you, Aunt Pamela

I liked the contrast, and I liked the reflective strips. Every now and then, I find myself in a situation those could be helpful. The yellow lettering for my name is part of the visibility concept.

The pocket flap, I embroidered my name, the right sleeve are my vehicles (may that list grow), and the black bars are a homage to a favorite punk band of mine, Black Flag.

So, break-in-uniform work update, I do believe I found the bad wire. It it is an alternator wire (alt 002) going to the firewall. I need to consult some wiring diagrams to be sure, but I do suspect that is the bad wire.

lighter red (age) cable furthest of the right seems to be the offender.
(alt 002)

Ol’ Duste

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Ol’ Duste was acquired in 2015 in a trade for an RV.  She wasn’t road worthy, and thousands of dollars later, she barely was.  She never truly started running correctly, until I started to take over the majority of mechanic duties.  In 2017 I pulled her off the road after failing smog.  She failed smog for simple, non-engine related reasons, but there were dire issues needing to be dealt with, and she had to go towards the bottom of the priorities pile.

Ol’ Duste posing in front of her shop bay before collecting dust.

Now, in 2019, over 2 years later, it seems the time in life has come for me to put her back on the road. I am strongly hoping by the first weekend in November, so she can make the Madera Flyball tournament.

Mud and Dirt, Filthy truck
Shiny rims= Clean truck

Honestly, the motorcycle is fun and everything, but Ollie really wants his truck back.

Ollie is wondering where the road is leading him.

Stay, watch, and hopefully share some excitement when the tailpipe rattles back to life.
-Duckin’ Kev